Friday, August 22, 2008

Let's not talk about it.

So sorry I've been absent lately. Things are going crazy! but I am alive. I've been posting every other day or so on my other blog. You can go over there and check it out occasionally and see what's going on. Not to mention I've also been on a no knitting only reading books marathon. But that seems to have passed now and I'm glad b/c I'd like to finish the projects I'm working on. I esp have to finish my swap socks before the 1st. I can do it I've only got the top of the legs to do. I'm not sure what's up with me lately. I've been kinda in a funk. Hopefully it will pass.
Today I had my SIL and BIL and niece over for dinner, it was nice. I made Roasted Caprese Spaghetti. It's a recipe from Rachel Ray's website. It's really good. I also made some bread to go along with it. Yum! I have some left over so I can have some this week too! YUM! I've found myself watching the Rachel Ray show a lot lately. It's pretty cool and the recipes she make always look delish. If you've never tried out her recipes or watched the show go ahead you'll be happy you did! (I'm not getting paid for this at all btw)
I'm off to knit!

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