Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Art Yarn?

So lets talk some spinning.
Just recently I took all the fiber samples from my Phat Fiber boxes and core spun up a huge skein. It was a lot of fun to spin. At first I didn't think I would like it. But as I was working on it I fell in love. I'm not normally an art yarn type of person. 

For core spun you take a core yarn and spin fiber around it to create a fun and funky smooth fiber. You hold the fiber at a 90 degree angle from the core and basically wrap it around the core. So you really can show off the wonderful batts that you my have. 

 I went to Youtube and made a spinning playlist with all different kinds of tutorials about core spinning  and then watched it on my TV through my Wii.  I also uesed the Spin Art book by Jacey Boggs and the accompanying DVD to do it.

I'm unsure of what exactly I'll be knitting with this. But I'm thinking of a scarf or cowl. Something simple to show off the different fibers. If you have a pattern you'd think would work please share in the comments. 

This finished skein ended up weighing about 14oz! I got 10 WPI (wraps per inch) and 272 yds. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hi there!

Long time no see huh?
I've been feeling the need to blog again. I used to update quite regularly then I didn't.
Well I'm going to try and re-do this thing again.
I will probably talk about knitting, crochet, spinning, sewing and baking still. I will also talk about my Etsy Store and highlight a few things about that as well.

 In the meantime here's a photo of the girls. They're getting SO big! It's amazing how fast they grow isn't it. (esp when you don't post for 2 years) LOL
ok well until next time!