I'm totally obsessed! How could i not be? they're soo cute. I based my frog here on this cartoon pix i used some faux mohair type yarn to get rid of it. this shifty eyed frog will be hanging up at Micheals to show what fun things you can do with crochet. Speaking of fun check out these blogs totally devoted to Amigurumi!

Amigurumi Girl
Gourmet Amigurumi
Amigurumi Along be sure to check out the links on the left for patterns and the ones on the right for the participants blogs! sooo much fun!
this one is in Japanese but the PIX are great!
Some fun links to check out Gourmet Amigurumi Links there are some really interesting sites there! Also check out these patterns! just go to Google and type in Amigurumi and it will bring up fun sites! also click on images and type it in and look at all the beautiful pix.
have you caught the fever yet? Ebay sells some of the Japanese books but i think they're a little price if you go here to YES Asia it's much better pricing! if that link doesn't work click on it and type in amigurumi in the search site. it's in english so it should be easy to navigate! i ordered some actually. i figured my DH went to a pirates game and got to have some fun so i though hey why don't i get some amigurumi books? i'll be sure to blog about it when i get them it should be with in a week or so.

so some good news! as if amigurumi wasn't good enough! I've joined Warming Grace and Papa's Quilt so i'll be knitting away some squares to send to them! it's exciting to be helping other people out! i have some cotton left over skeins in greeen and pink so i've been working on them lately.