Monday, December 4, 2006


If dogs are man's best friend, then are cat's woman's best friend? (I know it's supposed be diamonds.. But we'll forget that for now..) I give you a pix. It's of our cat Simba and as he's waiting at the window for the bub to get off the bus. It's pretty cute. He does it everyday. The bus lets her off right in front of our house so I open up the door and wait inside b/c it's now COLD! Last week it was 65 out and today it was 25! What a change. I'm just waiting for the snow. What is it about the colder weather that causes me to knit faster? Or is it that I'm doing smaller projects and getting done faster?
today has been a normal Monday. For the most part but everyone counting down to Christmas has kinda got me on edge.. But with the help of my trusty side kick the cappuccino machine and some syrup from Wally world and a grinder I've been able to just be calm... You may think a cuppa + countdown doesn't equal calm. But for me it does. I love love LOVE coffee! And about 5 years ago my DH got me a cappuccino maker and I don't use it all the time b/c it does take time to make them of the quality worth drinking. But I pulled it out the other day b/c I was craving some. It's fueling me and helping me to finish my Christmas projects.. Yes I did just get started. SUCH a procrastinator! I can't post tooo much of what I'm making b/c I have a few people who check out my blog that would ruin the surprise. But I hope that they like what I'm making. We're only getting gifts for the kiddos. I'm sure you can tell what I'm working on. Yup it's the HP sweater.. I'm switching the initial for the name of the recipient. The bub would like one in pink and purple.... LOL I guess I'll make her one to surprise her and then do the opposite colors for the beady. I think that they would really enjoy them. I don't know why sweaters freak me out I've been knitting for like 3 years now and I've made tons of baby sweaters for gifts. One would think that just b/c I'm knitting a child's size sweater I wouldn't be so nervous... hmm what is up with this knitting doubt? Am I alone at this? It could be from the fact that it's going to be a present. I've got to stop this crazy thinking.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Hi Allena, thanks for the compliment on my blog about the Mrs Beetons...they are very easy, just don't let the directions scare you! :)