I make a mean mocha, would you like to come and drink?
I can also make a latte or cappuccino.
We can have fun drinking and knitting and talking!
Gimme a call and I can set it up.
C-ya soon.
This was my first week as a SAHM again. (I haven't stayed
home for 2 years) I didn't think it would be so weird to stay at home again, b/c the whole time I was working I was yearning to stay at home and be a full time momma. I'm enjoying it even though it's taking some adjustments. I can already see the beady changing. She is a typical 3 year old, don't get me wrong but she was having some problems with attitude and whining and peeing in her pants. We still have some whining going on but for the most part things are looking better. Of course I'm more relaxed and since I'm the Momma, I'm the thermostat of the home, that's a good thing. I'm exited since I get to make a cappuccino and do my devos in the mornings. It's the best way to wake up and start the day.
Luckily this week has been nice out so we've played outside and had the windows open letting in clean/fresh air. The other day while we
were playing outside I was fooling around with my camera, and I found a few features I'd never noticed before. There's this button called SCN and under that is a few settings. I can change it to Sepia tones right on the camera, also black and white etc. I snapped this photo of the bead in the sepia
tones and didn't even have to do any editing on my photo program. pretty cool. it also has a setting for fireworks, playing outside, back light etc. For this sandbox photo I used the "beach" setting. it's for really bright photos. I guess it's always the small things that excite me. Btw, sandboxes are wonderful, esp the covered kind. The girls will play in the sand for hours! being covered we don't have to worry
about any stray cats using it for a litter box.Speaking of cat's mine are strange, they're silly actually. When the bub gets home her backpack almost never gets hung up like it should be. and they always fight over who gets to lay on it. I snapped this photo b/c I thought Simba looked funny laying on the bag with the straps on.. what a silly cat he is.
I also finally finished my Secret prayer swap socks. I mailed them Tuesday or Wednesday (I forget) I haven't heard if my swapee got them yet. I'm anxious and I really hope she likes them and they fit. I made up the pattern myself so it took me a little longer to finish them b/c I took notes. I also included in the box a book by Max Lucado, some postcards, the sock yarn I'd originally started with and that sock bag I made. It was a fun swap, I want to do the next one but it starts around the same time as Sock Wars 3 so I'm sitting the next one out. there are more photos over at flickr and ravelry.
well I've got to get ready, I'm going to sit and knit at 1PM.
So this week has been a crazy but fun week. Monday the bub brought her report card home. She did wonderfully and got all A's and O's (outstanding) She is very proud of it. She's also proud of the hat she finished for her sister. Remember for Christmas she got some nifty knitters? well she finally finished something. really it took so long b/c I had to show her how to do it. (yes I'm a horrible mom) I haven't had time to sit down and read the directions to show her... that is until Monday.
This week though a busy one was also one I've been waiting for. I can feel my creative juices flowing. It may have something to do with the weather or it could be the a HUGE stress is being lifted off of my shoulders. Tuesday the sun was shining and the air was brisk and clean so we opened all the windows and I started digging out my sewing machine and table. I also dug out some fabric I needed to make some baby gifts that I've been putting off. In this photo is a rebozo I made for my friend and also one of 3, burp clothes I am going to include in this super late baby gift. I hope my friend still has some use for the gifts.
Wednesday was also a productive day, sewing wise that is. I started cutting out some squares for a baby I spy/memory quilt I'm going to be sewing and eventually hand quilting for another baby. This one is for my newest niece, right now I'm really hoping my SIL isn't reading this blog, I'd kinda like this to be a surprise. I also really hope they like it when it's done.
I'm not sure why I was so all about sewing this week. I think I'm getting burned out on knitting. as I usually do when I have a deadline to meet. ARUGH!!! (read as yes I'm still working on those SPS socks) To apologize to my pal I made her a sock sewing bag. She really likes earthy colors, so I hope she'll like this beautiful batik bag. Instead of trying to sew a button hole (which I suck at) I decided to use a gromit thingy I had laying around. I also got the little black buttony thingy for the end of strings to use to help with closing the bag. I think it turned out rather nice. I may have to make one for myself. I also added some pockets on the inside, but you'll have to check my flickr page for those photos.
Friday, the best day this week!(the best day most weeks) It was my last day of work. as you can see by my photo! I now have less keys on my key ring! jump for joy. I'm now a SAHM! As I drove home I felt so much lighter. I even called my DH and said I'm done in a really loud voice. He was like ok are you coming home? I said NO I'm going knitting! at my LYS they have a sit and knit every Friday from 1-3pm. Now I don't have to miss them b/c of work.
Though this week was busy it was a bit stressful and husband free. and that wasn't great. My DH was working all week during the day and then at night. Double shifts! UGH we could both do with out!
Saturday he had to work too! After getting up, cleaning and going and getting a few groceries I sat down to knit some more on those SPS socks. Earlier while I was out I'd bought 2 bags of sand for the sandbox. It was nice this week and the girls have been begging me for sand. It was the best $10 ever. the girls played nicely without yelling, whining, crying, hitting etc. for 2 whole hours! wonderful uninterrupted knitting time!
Now we're on to today. Not much went on we went to church and then friends of our's for lunch. then we came home for a quite evening. I snapped a photo of the baby I spy/memory game quilt (actually the back of it). It's ready for hand quilting. I've never done it before but a friend of mine used to do it all the time and was always encouraging me to do it so why not give it a try? The back is some flannel I've had around for a while. The turtles are so cute. I'm thinking about getting that satin ribbon binding they have with all the quilting supplies at the store. But I'm not 100% sure about that yet. I'll have to see how it looks when I finish it.
I wanted to also include my March mosaic. If you're interested in seeing other project 365 pix they're all on my flickr page. Enjoy.