It's all about my life! Knit on!
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Upcoming Events
I've been busy lately getting some special orders out of the way and working on getting my "ducks in a row" so to speak. I will be unable to take any special orders after this week.
Don't fret, I have two events that you'll be able to see my bags at coming up.
- First is the Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Show. I'm excited to say I'm consigning some bags with Dawn of Fairytale Knits. She's going to be selling her beautifully dyed yarn and roving in booth #37.
- Second I'll be vending at this years Homespun Yarn Party. I had so much fun vending at the HYP last year I'm so excited to be able to do it again.
If there's any specific type of bag you'd like to see at either of these shows please let me know!
Ok enough chatting back to work!
Ok enough chatting back to work!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Art Yarn?
So lets talk some spinning.
Just recently I took all the fiber samples from my Phat Fiber boxes and core spun up a huge skein.
It was a lot of fun to spin. At first I didn't think I would like it. But as I was working on it I fell in love. I'm not normally an art yarn type of person.
For core spun you take a core yarn and spin fiber around it to create a fun and funky smooth fiber. You hold the fiber at a 90 degree angle from the core and basically wrap it around the core. So you really can show off the wonderful batts that you my have.
I went to Youtube and made a spinning playlist with all different kinds of tutorials about core spinning and then watched it on my TV through my Wii. I also uesed the Spin Art book by Jacey Boggs and the accompanying DVD to do it.
I'm unsure of what exactly I'll be knitting with this. But I'm thinking of a scarf or cowl. Something simple to show off the different fibers. If you have a pattern you'd think would work please share in the comments.
This finished skein ended up weighing about 14oz! I got 10 WPI (wraps per inch) and 272 yds.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Hi there!
Long time no see huh?
I've been feeling the need to blog again. I used to update quite regularly then I didn't.
Well I'm going to try and re-do this thing again.
I will probably talk about knitting, crochet, spinning, sewing and baking still. I will also talk about my Etsy Store and highlight a few things about that as well.
ok well until next time!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Win a cellphone wallet!
Win this Cell Phone Wallet! Share a photo how you use your StarKnits bags!
This contest will run from today 9/6/13 through 10/6/13.Here's how you can be entered to win. (you must do all 3 to be entered)
**Remember to comment on the Facebook post to enter depending on your privacy settings I will not know if you've shared.**
1. Like StarKnits' Facebook page
2. Share a photo of your StarKnits bags in use here on StarKnits FB page. If you do not have one of my bags, please share a photo on StarKnits Facebook page of why you need one or leave a comment what you would put in them.
3.Like this post/photo and share it on your FB page Leave a comment on this photo to tell me you did this. (if you don't I won't know)
For extra Entries (1 extra entry per item)
1. Tweet about this contest using @StarKnits and#StarKnits so I'm notified.
2. Share your photo (the same one you shared above) of your bag on Instagram using @StarKnits and #StarKnits
3. Share on G+ about this contest using +AllenaWilliams and #Starknits
4. Share on Plurk @StarKnits and #Starknits
5. Share on Nimblestix @AllenaWilliams #StarKnits
6. Share on any other social media and leave a comment here telling me where you did so with a link.
I will put your name in a spreadsheet for each entry. Then I will use a random number generator to pick a winner, on October 7th.
**If I get 200 likes for StarKnits' Facebook page (I'm at 144) during this time I will draw a 2nd name for another prize.
When I make new designs I make several prototypes. Now is your chance to win this one. (the gift cards, money and Ipod are not included)
This bag is made from attractive coordinating prints.
The outside has an Asian woman with an umbrella. there are orange trees and green grass.
The outside pocket has several different umbrellas printed on it. It is approximately 4.25" wide by 4.75" deep with a button closure that will keep your cell phone safely inside.
The Inside and handle fabric is a light burnt orange with lighter circles and dots printed all over it.
The inside CC pockets are made with the lining fabric, the outside pocket fabric and a green crackle fabric.
Measuring approximately 6.25" long and 4.5" high. It's fully interfaced for sturdiness. There is a green zipper, an orange button, a key ring tab and a handle loop that attaches to the zipper and fits over your wrist.
Have fun and I hope you win!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am part of a team over on etsy. The team I'm a part of is the Etsymom Team. We support each others shops through different things. One of the ways we do that is to create treasuries. Last month I won the EMCA (Etsy Mom Curator Award). So right now I'm featured on the Etsymom website. It's so exciting! Go check it out!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Mundle Bread what's that?
I had to make some cookies for a cookie swap I'm participating it tomorrow, soooo I made some mundle bread.
What's mundle bread? you ask. It looks like biscotti but the recipe is a bit simpler and the dough is wetter and easier to shape!
I added/changed a few things. I found that you can pour the batter into two thin cookie loaves. Depending on how you cut the loaves you can get anywhere from 30-40 cookies. The first batch I added some cranberries and then dunked them in melted white chocolate. The second batch I added chocolate chips. The Third batch chocolate chips and chopped pecans. The fourth batch I added 1/4 c of cocoa powder to the dry ingredients and white chocolate chips. The fifth batch I switched out the vanilla for anise and then dipped those in chocolate. YUM! (I should start a bakery!)
Here's the base recipe, courtesy of my sister...
What's mundle bread? you ask. It looks like biscotti but the recipe is a bit simpler and the dough is wetter and easier to shape!
I added/changed a few things. I found that you can pour the batter into two thin cookie loaves. Depending on how you cut the loaves you can get anywhere from 30-40 cookies. The first batch I added some cranberries and then dunked them in melted white chocolate. The second batch I added chocolate chips. The Third batch chocolate chips and chopped pecans. The fourth batch I added 1/4 c of cocoa powder to the dry ingredients and white chocolate chips. The fifth batch I switched out the vanilla for anise and then dipped those in chocolate. YUM! (I should start a bakery!)
Here's the base recipe, courtesy of my sister...
Mundle Bread
mix together till whipped
4 eggs
1c sugar
add in
1/2c veg oil
1t vanilla
mix together in separate bowl, then add to egg/oil mix
3c flour
2t baking powder
1/2t salt
Spoon onto baking sheet in a long, skinny loaf. Bake at 350 for 25-30 min. Take out and cut, flip them onto sides and put back in for 15 min
So enjoy and LMK if you make them!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Highs and Lows

I saw this on my friend Rachel's blog and followed the link to Life Crafts & Whatever I figured I should try a go at this! (not that I think anyone is still reading this blog though)
Ok so we'll start with the Lows of the past week...
1. I wasn't able to finish the sweater I was knitting in the month of November so I didn't get full points for it. (in case you didn't know I play a knitting game on ravelry that's Harry Potter related and totally awesome) I did get about 33% though.
2. I'm currently working out to get into shape, but this last week I've been really tired and not doing my best.
3. I thought I could take it easy knit and crochet wise this month.
Not so! My list is growing and growing!
4. This is starting the hardest month to lose weight.
So now on to the Highs!
1. A group of gals and I started a study together on Sunday nights while our kids are at AWANAs. We're reading through and discussing Made To Crave.
We met together about it on Sun and it was great!
2. I love Christmas music! We set up our tree and have a few presents wrapped under the tree. We'll be adding more as they come in!

What they all are: (with rav links)
Dyeing, spinning, a WIP bag,
a shawl, mini socks, a baby sweater, fingerless mitts and carding and spinning some fiber.
4. I found the coolest boxes for my cookies for the swap I'm participating in!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I made a few treasuries for the Etsymom Black Friday Sale. I forgot to tell you that the Etsymom Team is offering a free printable gift list with purchase. It will be emailed to you.
The first treasury I have for you is all shades of Brown.
The next one is just one that were fun and things I liked.
Remember my shop is running a 15% off sale. From 11/24/11 to 11/28/11 anything you order from my shop will be 15% off. Enter the coupon code EM15OFF when you check out. If you're searching for other sales type EMBFCS in the search and you'll find all kinds of Etsymom Team sales. Enjoy!
The first treasury I have for you is all shades of Brown.

Remember my shop is running a 15% off sale. From 11/24/11 to 11/28/11 anything you order from my shop will be 15% off. Enter the coupon code EM15OFF when you check out. If you're searching for other sales type EMBFCS in the search and you'll find all kinds of Etsymom Team sales. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Hey Twilight Fans!!!
I just wanted to remind you my friendly visitors that there is still a few days left in to get your name in for one of the 66 prizes for the Breaking Dawn Giveaway. My shop has entered a prize for this giveaway- #6 to be exact. But there are some awesome things in this giveaway. Go check it out! You only have until the 26th!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Black Friday Sale!
As you know I have a shop on etsy. You may not know that I'm a member of a team. My team is Etsymom, and We're having a Black Friday Sale.
My shop will be having a 15 % off your order! From 11/24/11 to 11/28/11 anything you order from my shop will be 15% off when you enter the coupon code EM15OFF when you check out.
Want to check out the the other Etsymom Team member's shops? Why not head on over to Etsy and search 'EMBFCS' and check out what's on sale! I'll be doing a treasury or two later on this week, for you to look at.
My shop will be having a 15 % off your order! From 11/24/11 to 11/28/11 anything you order from my shop will be 15% off when you enter the coupon code EM15OFF when you check out.
Want to check out the the other Etsymom Team member's shops? Why not head on over to Etsy and search 'EMBFCS' and check out what's on sale! I'll be doing a treasury or two later on this week, for you to look at.
Friday, November 11, 2011
It's time to gear up!
That's right I'm a Twilight fan! With the newest movie coming out it's time to get ready to go see the show. I've been pondering re-reading the books. But I know I'll get all offended when things are left out so instead I'm going to talk about a free giveaway that's coming up. I donated one of the prizes for this give away. Over on Bacon Time there will be a Twilight party soon! You'll be able to enter to win fabulous Twilight themed prizes. Bookmark and follow her blog to find out more.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
T-shirt Surgery Allena's Way.
So I've been meaning to post this small tute for a while now. But life being the way it is.... well I'm posting it now!
So I'm a t-shirt and jeans type of girl. But being a plus sized gal, most regular t-shirts don't look good on me. So this summer I decided to research some t-shirt surgery. There are many great sites with tutes. But being a basic gal I decided to do it my way..
I was inspired by this video tute from Craftzine.
So I took a regular t-shirt, a pair of scissors and my sewing machine. I don't have a serger though so I couldn't follow that craft video exactly.
First you need to cut off the collar. I cut the collar right under the seam at the back and then a little lower in the front. maybe about 1/4th and inch (at the most). Then you fold it over twice and press in place. Pin in place and sew. This is what it should look like.
Then you need to cut the sleeves. I followed the craft tute (linked above) in cutting them and then re-fitting them on to the arm holes.
This is where my method is a little different. I sew around the arm hole with a regular straight stitch. then I go around again using my zig zag stitch. This helps stabilize the seam.
By now you should have a scoop neck t-shirt. Very simple and I think it makes the t-shirt look much better and doesn't choke me in the collar. I actually sewed quite a few of my T-shirts. Here's a final photo for you one of my TeeFury shirts.
Though I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog anymore since I haven't had any comments for a while. I'm not too proud to beg, if you're reading leave me a comment.
So I'm a t-shirt and jeans type of girl. But being a plus sized gal, most regular t-shirts don't look good on me. So this summer I decided to research some t-shirt surgery. There are many great sites with tutes. But being a basic gal I decided to do it my way..
I was inspired by this video tute from Craftzine.

First you need to cut off the collar. I cut the collar right under the seam at the back and then a little lower in the front. maybe about 1/4th and inch (at the most). Then you fold it over twice and press in place. Pin in place and sew. This is what it should look like.
Then you need to cut the sleeves. I followed the craft tute (linked above) in cutting them and then re-fitting them on to the arm holes.
This is where my method is a little different. I sew around the arm hole with a regular straight stitch. then I go around again using my zig zag stitch. This helps stabilize the seam.
By now you should have a scoop neck t-shirt. Very simple and I think it makes the t-shirt look much better and doesn't choke me in the collar. I actually sewed quite a few of my T-shirts. Here's a final photo for you one of my TeeFury shirts.
Though I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog anymore since I haven't had any comments for a while. I'm not too proud to beg, if you're reading leave me a comment.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
You Know You Wanna!
Hey all this is the last chance to get in to the contest for this yarn. It's 538 yard (2ply) and handspun by NaturallyKnitty herself. My sister and I will be taping the next podcast this coming week and the contest will close when we do that. All the details about the contest can be found here.
You can also find out on the podcast my sister and I do. We'd love it if you enter and listen to our podcast!
You can also find out on the podcast my sister and I do. We'd love it if you enter and listen to our podcast!
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Go check it out!
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