Saturday, August 27, 2005

Secret Sis Saturday

i had lunch at church today. it was a special one for the ladies that participated in our Secret Sister program. (nothing to do with SP5) we revealed who we had today it was so much fun and we wrote funny rhyming hints about our Sister and then read them to guess whom had whom. it was soo much fun and my SS was Pam.. (i kinda knew). i loved having the encouragement and prayers and the small gifts. You were the best SS!!! oh did i say small LOOK at what she gave me. i feel so unworthy...

so i will walk you thru how much she gave me.. first the books......
i am dying here they're awesome! i was wanting the S&B book. i acutally bought it for my SS, kristy, who i'm teaching to knit.. then came this. coffee, mug, plate, gumi bears, hair clips.

and last but not least look what she made me.. she crochet'd this last night till 2 am! you go woman!

Look at all the yarn! YUMMY! i love it all! and don't forget the americana towels and the wonderful basket it all came in! wonderful!

thank you sooo much... i love it all!

HEY sock pall over here! look i'm almost done! only about 4 inches or so to go... what do you think?

i should be done in a few days and then i'll be sending it off to ya!
well i'm making this short today it's time for bed...

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