Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How sweet!

Look what I found this AM when I got in the car for work!!!
I didn't eat it at first b/c I wanted to blog about it and take a pix. Silly me left it in the car so that's why it's a little melty.. LOL it wasn't when I found it.
How sweet is my DH? And just when I'm needing it too. He does things like this from time to time and it really surprises me and makes me smile! OK sooo just had to share! I'm really going to go to bed now b/c I have to work tomorrow and I'm POOPED already! this working 2 jobs sucks big time! only till Friday though! PTL!
PS. Did you watch HEROES last night! I love that show. I say it every time I watch that show and it's the only one that I'm glued to the tube for. I can't knit, eat or email. Nothing. I just sit there absorbed in what's going on, on the screen! LOL it did not disappoint me at all. though I do have one question... How did Sylar get Eden's gift if she killed herself before he could kill her??? Was I the only one who caught that? speak up people!


Anonymous said...

It is the small things that count :).

jessica said...

That is sweet! Go HD!

(as for the last post)
That is my favorite mug too! I did have one that I liked more than that but the handle broke off. It was one that I decorated myself!At one of those paint your own ceramics places... very cool!

Pamela Foreman said...

That's so sweet of Andy! I know how much you like Heroes. I still have yet to catch it!

Thea said...

Way cool of the DH to do that with the chocolate..

As for Heroes, I'm a big fan myself. Glued to the TV and all. Now that I've seen a few more episodes I wonder if Sylar really has her gift. It's almost like he tried to get it but doesn't have it all or it doesn't work very well.. I'm still upset at how they ended the last episode. Sylar is suppose to die but is he really??

My two cents. :)