Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday the fun day.

Today was an awesome day...
it started out normal then i checked my email and to my surprise I got my Ravelry invite! i almost peed my pants, I was so excited!
Then of course this is the best week ever! it's the week that all the shows start again. I think Monday is going to be the best day. I caught the debut of Chuck while I was waiting, on edge I may add, for Heros. Chuck seemed funny, but we'll see. Heros though did not disappoint! can I just say WOW! Milo you got to see for like 2 min at the end and I'm so glad! I was worried. I can't believe the turn they took with Kensi.. of course the spelling is wrong.
ok anyways I'm watching journeyman.. pretty good so far. Thursday during my knitting class I'm going to tape smallville and csi! this week is going to be excellent!
anyways I've got to go raverly calls...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

You know you're tired when......

You sit down to read a book and wake up an hour later no further in the book than when you started....

off to bed I go!

PS:This post was brought you by the
crazy kids of mine, for with out them I'd actually be able to get sleep but have no fun what-so-ever.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Red and Green

Today was the first day of Awanas at our church. This year they're doing a new program called Puggles for the younger kiddos. which works out for me since the bead has been wanting to go to awana's since last year. The bub is in T&T, this is her first year in this club. She's excited as she gets to see her older friends this year. Next week the ladies are going to start their bible study. We're going to be doing A woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. I'm excited about it. The book is one of my fave's. I'm praying it goes well.

The other day I had the urge to can something. So I got some peppers and made some sweet hot pepper jelly. I think it tastes better with the red and green peppers, i did try to make it all green once but it tasted weird. So I stick with what I like. it's my fave served over cream cheese with triscuts! I brought some in to the ladies i work with, they were very appreciative. I also made some salsa... but it's gone now, b/c it was sooooo good!

OK i need some help here, I'm not sure what is going on. The bead is almost three and she's always gone to bed really well. that is until about 2 weeks or so ago. now she works herself up into a fit and screams and cries "MOMMY, MOMMY I WANT YOU, MOMMY MOMMY I NEED YOU MOMMY MOMMY" it just breaks my heart. I'm not sure what's going on. I've been doing the same routine lately. we read a story and I sing 2 songs and tuck her in and play some songs on the CD player and leave. She works herself up into that crying sucking in for air cry. Seriously it makes me cry. I'm not sure what is going on. any help?
Thank you for your help! I hope someone has experience with this type of thing. I appreciate everything!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ollie Ollie ox and free!

OK knitting time, it's OK for you to come out now. Why oh why is it so hard to find you lately? This time apart is KILLING me!

Send reinforcements now! I don't think I'm going to make it!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What I did at the end of my Summer Vacation was......

Last week my parents came to visit. It was a lot of fun. I'm going to bore you with all the pix now... so be patient!
We started out by going to MD to visit my Grandma. My uncle and 2 of my cousins were there. It was really nice to see them. The girls really enjoyed playing out in the open. We had a campfire the first night (we were only there 2 days). With every campfire you have to make Smores. But we just didn't make any old smores we made smores with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.. talk about delicious! YUMMO! We of course had your traditional smore and also dark chocolate ones. We just HAD to change things up a bit. I think the next time we should try york peppermint patties or maybe snickers or babe Ruth bars... the possibilities are endless. The Bead Just loved the marshmallows and chocolate (that's Nana holding her)
The next day before we came home we went to Dobbin Falls and took a little hike. When we were younger we used to come to Dobbin Falls and we'd have a grand old time. The deposits from the water makes the rock slippery and so we could slide down them into the water. Like nature's water slide. It was always great fun! I didn't go this time but the Bub and my bro went. She doesn't know how to swim so he had to stay close, even though it's only waist deep or so, the rocks get super slippery and it was moving pretty fast. You know the mamma had to make sure her baby was safe.
The last time we were there was when the bub was about the same age as the bead and the water was really low that year so were able to walk up most of the way and get som
e really cool pix. We were trying to go a little ways up to get some pix but my DH fell and slipped and hurt his nose.. i was sure he'd broken it or knocked out a tooth but all is well. He just got banged up a bit.
We had lots of fun but we had to leave and get back b/c my Dh's fantasy football draft was that night. so we came home and my parents stayed an extra day. They came up that next day and stayed until Saturday.
It was a lot of fun.

LOL for some reason as I re-read through this post I feel like I've just written a school report. so there you go do I get an A?