Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Snow Day 23

Yesterday it started snowing and it was still snowing this morning and off and on through out the day. When I got home from work I took this pix. The fresh white blanket is so beautiful! sorry it's a shade view. I wasn't wearing boots or a jacket so I was staying on the porch. Right now it's 9 degrees out! Supposedly, tomorrow it's supposed to get down to -6 tomorrow with wind chill. Cold weather = good knitting. Actually for me you could add anything on that cold weather side and it would equal good knitting for me. (I'm sure I'm not the only knitter out there who thinks that.) Well I'd better get off and finish up some stuff.


jessica said...

Love the snow! its beautiful and it means knitting time!

Pamela Foreman said...

I would love to see snow!