Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Oh I just have to share this sandwich with you.... before it was grilled and then after... YUMMO! I first saw the pix of this sandwich on Tried and Trues blog. Then I followed the link to the Pioneer Woman Cooks' blog and had to make it. I love rye bread so I knew this was going to be good! I did skip a stage and just used dijonaise and I couldn't find the whole green chilis so I used diced. But it is AWESOME!!! look at that picture just delish! Though I made it for the girls too.... and they picked apart the sandwich and didn't do the onions. (they take after their father that way) But it was so good I had to make it again. I'm pondering making it again today! I just can't get enough of it. Though I'm also pondering using only 2 slices of cheese to cut back on the points. But I've def been getting my milk requirements for the past few days.
So what are you waiting for?? Go and make one for yourself, you'll be glad you did!

On to other things....
remember last year when I submitted my patterns to the Pattern a day calendars? Well when you submit your patterns to the calendars you get a free calendar. (the deadline this year is Dec 15th, 2007 for the 2009 calendars) Well they shipped their calendars out in July/Aug time frame and I never got mine. so I kindly emailed the editors and asked what happened thinking they probably overlooked me since there were SOOO many contributors.I really didn't mind I just wanted to find out what happened. They were very kind and got on it right away. A couple of weeks ago I received my crochet calendar, there are quite a few projects I'd like to make. Then yesterday I got my Knitting one! and the editors are soooo nice they sent a handwritten note with it apologizing for the delay. I'm sooo happy to have gotten them now, there is just something sweet about seeing your patterns published! I've got to remember to email and thank them.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I'm glad you got your calendar. The child's sweater is really sweet. I'm glad she enjoys it. That's the best knitter's reward!